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Franklin Shack

I'm a fresh CS graduate from Stevens Institute of Technology, seeking an entry level software engineering position. Feel free to contact me through email, or take a look at my projects below.


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Course Assistant

Hoboken, NJ
Aug. 2020 - May 2023

Discrete Structures

Proctored exams, graded assignments and exams related to predicate logic, proofs, set theory, and other theory topics. Ran lab sessions and graded lab assignments done in Racket using a custom python autograding solution.

Theory of Computation

Proctored exams. Graded assignments and exams related to automata, Turing machines, regular expressions, and other theory topics.

Fundamentals of Computation

Proctored exams. Graded assignments and exams related to Python and basic programming.

Introduction to Game Design

Helped students design and program game projects in Unity using C# and Aseprite.

Research Assistant

Hoboken, NJ (Remote)
May 2020 - Dec. 2020

Student Research Assistant

Researched access control policies and the best languages to implement them on a large scale. Created a template using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for a social media platform that would allow users to strictly define rules for who can see and comment on their posts, then implemented an access control system using Prolog and integrated it into a Java servlet.